Use the study of photography to explore with your students the power of images and their impact on history. In this lesson students learn about the history of American photography by selecting and critiquing photographs in an interactive and collaborative activity. The lesson also incorporates geographic literacy into the fine arts experience by challenging students to focus on the significance of the place, captured in time, that influenced events.
Google Sites for State Research
In this lesson students will research a state of their choice and design a Google Site to share their learning. Students will create a Google Site for visitors to learn about the state in a real world learning experience.
Writing for Context, Audience, and Purpose
Students need opportunities to write for real-world contexts, audiences, and purposes. In this lesson, students will write a newsletter about their classroom for the purpose of sharing the knowledge they have gleaned from their studies. Their audience will be their classmates, their school community, and their local community.
- Students will synthesize information learned in the ELA classroom
- Students will publish this information via Google Docs
- Students will choose the genre and make editorial decisions based on their shared understanding of context, audience, and purpose
This Lesson Plan enables students to create online documents and activities related to their Reader's Workshop book and then embed the activities into a Google Site that can be accessed by future groups of students reading the same book. The purpose is twofold: to engage the initial group of students by providing them with the freedom to develop their own literary activities related to the book, and to engage future students reading the same book with literary activities created by past groups.